Hear me out and don't get pissed.
We're SUPPOSED to question shit, right?
White Hats are in charge; Trump is the CIC; Juan O Savin said once via Nino Rodriguez that Trump took a step back for optics, not to be associated with the Biden-actor shit-show.
Right so far?
The Biden puppet's strings are pulled by Barry Sortero, who's a fag, along with tranny Michael, and the Nesbit's two rent-a-kids. Follow me?
Before all of this, the 2016 presidential election was rigged in Killary's favor, but [Q/mil/White Hats?] pulled the rug from under her somehow and inserted Trump (OR, just stumped her cheat and let the electors actually vote him in).
Then, in 2020, the White Hats LET the Democraps cheat go through, where they had to front Barry with fake-Biden cuz real-Biden is dead IRL (as, incidentally, so is Killary and No-Name McCain). Meanwhile (coming full circle here) Trump never conceded and is still the CIC, with the nuclear codes and holed up most of the time in Cheyenne Mtn.
PATRIOTS help fight fake news... PLEASE SEND & SHARE MEMEs HERE!!!
that's odd
i dont see any comment from that account here on my end
maybe it was only visible in the shares of the post and not the original thread? Not Sure... it's strange??