Can you post a source for this, please?

Unfortunately memes don't come loaded with source data. There have been many articles written on how Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been denied use to patients with Coronavirus. In 2018 President Trump signed a Right to Try Bill into law. Yet there have been cases patients were denied IVM or HCQ even though it is unlawful to deny their use. Only a few states sell these drugs OTC. People have resorted to using veterinary meds or ordering from foreign sources. HCQ, a derivative of quinine, is sold over the counter in other countries. The problem with HCQ and IVM is that they are both cheap, extremely effective and would ruin the health care industry.
This particular meme uses hyperbole yet is prolly based in fact. However I can't attest to that.
This Covid-19 pandemic has been a killing field and I hope heads roll soon.

They both should be OTC America