🐸 MJTruth
For those who don’t understand what it means
when Trump says “Tippy Top,”
Anons on the Chan board, as a way to “prove”
Trump’s connection to Q,
requested Trump say “Tippy Top.”
Trump came through in his Easter speech
with the Easter bunny right next to him.
This was one of the most significant first Q-Proofs
that Trump (Q+) was Q Team.
Tip Top Tippy Top Shape
It was requested.
Did you listen today?
Trump saying Tippy Top should be an assurance to all of us
that no matter what we see, we will come out winning.
Hold on anons & patriots. We got this 👊
@ candlesinthenight
😻 In Iowa 12-19-23, POTUS said “Tippy Top” TWICE‼️
I had a blast and to tippy top it off,
I found out i was a Q drop. Best day ever!
We saw you, Patriots.
God bless!
👇 MJTruth made a beautiful video compilation
of President & CiC Trump’s ‘Tippy Top’ for Anons ❤️🇺🇸🪖🕊
I remember, it was the confirmation of Q & Q+ together. I had cold chills when President Trump said "Tippy Top" I then knew!

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