If this was known, why did Trump still choose him as his medical adviser? I don't understand. 🧚

DJT's 1st term was certainly marked by many turncoats & traitors...
lousy advice given by loyal "uniparty" lifers that he naively respected for their biz-ness acumen,
unaware of their
"feet of clay",
forked tongues,
corrupt souls.

☀️☀️☀️ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom THOMAS JEFFERSON 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🌍 .......Back on TWITTER as @AgnesdeBerlimon 🧚
Trump and naiv ? I don't like to believe that. But perhaps he chose them to expose them, albeit with bitter consequences for many.

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
Trump will put people front and center; either they will do right, or they will out themselves as being the evil doers they are.

Time and the mainstream media heals [conceals] old wounds. How quickly we forget.
People need to know the unpleasant histories of leaders we were taught to respect and esteem. We were told lies.
This is part of the great awakening.

☀️☀️☀️ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom THOMAS JEFFERSON 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🌍 .......Back on TWITTER as @AgnesdeBerlimon 🧚
The crux of the matter is that people cannot distinguish between what is truth and what is a lie, if they are kept away from the truth and the lie is sold to them as true. And this is often done by people they trust.