They lied to us about EVERYTHING.
I only know of one individual who could lie so completely to all people and convince them it was true. His name was Lucifer.
Most all people in America have been so completely lied to, bent over a table, fooked, whipped, beaten, and abused. At the end of the day..they punch the clock, go have a beer talk about football or their new garden plant. Then they get up and go punch the clock and start all over.
They don’t read or research. They are lazy mf’rs. They are not stupid. They are dumb because they are too lazy to find out or even try.
God gave us everything. It’s our duty to take care of it all. We don’t..cause we’re lazy. It’s embarrassing.
People, it goes way beyond this, but you created government. They fooking work for YOU. Start acting like it.
I feel like it’s almost useless to even try to wake up those who think they are awake. 99% of those who say they are awake are not, and have no fooking clue. If all the people who say

Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
people need an organizing force.............
alone - they are barely holding up under the burden and pressures of a day........
if they have family - raising strong kids is their goal - and most are far too overprotective..... and controlling blah blah blah - and will compromise everything to protect their family....... they won't sacrifice a job, or a altercation with a uber wicked job - or corporate deceipt......
it's easy to put other things in focus.
Small numbers.
Real human connections
We can overcome.
We need our Leader
Our Savior - to command and control.