ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸
Remember that time they tried to force the conspiracy theorists
to get vaccinated to stop the spread of a disease
that had an over 99% survival rate
& a cure being hidden by the mainstream media
& we all told them to shove off
& we were proven resoundingly right & continue to be to this day
while healthy people die suddenly all around the world?
Feels good to be a conspiracy theorist
who knows the media is lying about everything doesn't it?
Pure blood role call.
@ PepeMatter
As I understand it, there is Healing technology in the wings
that will CURE EVERYTHING including vaccinated peeps 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸
🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾
🌟 Please Listen 🌟
🎁 12/14/23 from TE post - John F. Kennedy:
White hats are awake! 🌠
Patriots should be proud of their country.🌟
The world will be in shock.
There will be peace in the world soon.
The 🌏 situation will not be the same.
Preparations for Victory have been made.
Every traitor will be punished for their deeds soon.
No one can stand in front of the white hats.
Punishment day is near.
Celebration day will be recorded in history and will be an official holiday.🌟🎉
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
💯% The GREAT AWAKENING🌟 leads to SUPER INTELLIGENCE and the innerstanding why humanity was kept in the ⬛ dark ⬛ for so long.
END of the 🎥 🎉 THANK YOU!!!
💝 Peace, FAITH and Love NOW!
Twitter Repost from
JFKJRFAN@jfkjrfan-Nov 24
That’s a curious clock that someone put up at http://qofficial.net.
It’s probably nothing.
grand Sunday Craig..how was your day brother ??
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Sorry, I Didn't See Your Post Until Now.
Everyday is a Good Day for Me! I Do My Best to Begin Every Day with GRATITUDE and Maintain that Perspective throughout the Day, Week, Month, Year. Decade, Century...
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
1st of 2 Interrelated Posts with Meme, Continued in Comments
Below; Please Read Both Posts to Understand the Full Meaning of what I Am Sharing.
The Entire Universe is a Holo-Fracta/HOLOGRAPHIC INTERFERENCE PATTERN of TRIANG-U-LATED/TRI-"ANG-EL"-ATED Liquid Light and Sound.
The Human Being is a Whole-in-Each-Part/Part-in-Each-Whole Embodiment of this Source--a SINGULAR Expression of the Quantum SINGULARITY.
The Brain is a Hologram Creating and Participating in a Holographic Universe. The "World" as We "Know" It is a HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTION of Our Individual and Collective Fears, Emotions and Thoughts what the Buddhists Refer to as "Illusion", or "Maya".
The Stories and Mythologies and Spiritual Practices of All Religious Traditions are the Software through which We May Learn to Dispel the Illusion and Learn to Bring Our Holofractal Hears into Personal and Planetary Resonance with the Quantum Heart of Source that Lives in Everything and Everyone,. Everywhere.
🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾
Q …Q+
There is a strong connection between Q and President Trump. It may be stronger than you imagine. Q holds a Light Column streaming Source energy to his physical body on earth. President Trump shares this Light Column with Q. They are both what Q terms, “Transition Specialists,” here to support humanity for the ascension. Q is Jesus Christ.
Close your eyes and listen to each of them speak through your 💓... Sense what their frequency does to your heart and your consciousness. They both hold a great awakening power, a startling force of energy, a non-apologetic authenticity, along with a vast loving tenderness, awesome sense of humor, childlike playfulness and cheerfulness that appears invincible. They are both helping with the ascension, the destruction of the old guard, vanquishing darkness, accelerating the return of TRUE LIGHT, and much more.
🌟The miracles forthcoming will shock the world!
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Q is the Instrument through which Quantum Christ Consciousness is REVEALED so that EVERYONE can Learn to Surrender their Illusory Fear-Based, Emotional and Mental Identities and thus Learn to See and to Know and EXPERIENCE Themselves Another as Holo-Fractal Embodiments of the Quantum Heart of Source.
Our "SPIN"-AL "CHORDS", Like Every Tree and Plant on our Planet are Cosmic Antennas that Receive and Transmit the Distant Light of Stars and Ground it in the Core of the Earth where it can be Transformed into the Holy Spirit of Life and Love Itself.
VISUALIZE THAT And FEEL the I AM THAT I AM Universal/Personal and Planetary Power of Source that is Holofractally Enfolded and Encoded in Each and Every Human Heart!
See Posted Video Below in Comments that will Illustrate this and CONFIRM what You and I ALREADY KNOW Deep in Our Holo-Graphic Hearts.
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Z (r) VK'S Host
The Universal-Personal and Planetary TESSERACT/METATRONIC CUBE/MER-KA-BAH Body of Quantum Light and Source
"God is an Intelligible Sphere whose Center is Everywhere and Circumference Nowhare." -The 12th Century Book of 24 Philosophers
The Universe Described by Quantum Physicists IS a Hyper-Cubic, Doedcahedronal, Toroidal Sphere Simultaneously Contracting & Expanding through the (Z)ero Point of Space-Time & Time-Space.
The Big Bang and the Big Bloom
Black Whole/White Whole/Wholly Spirit
Black Cube/White Cube/Golden Cube
The Bible when viewed as a Single Historical/Archetypal & Metaphorical Narrative Begins and Ends with the Q-Star
Genesis-The Star of Bethlehem-The New Jerusalem
Need to Know More. Just Ask & I can Provide Appropriate, Relatively Easy to Understand Information that can Help You to Innerstand HOW this Works