Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Is that like the training exercises they did when they landed helos on the strip in LA and removed a bio weapon bomb?
I can't remember date 2017-2019?
You know when Cruella Pelosi tried to take her whole damn family out of the country while it did its job in CA and Pres. Trump pulled her plane out from under her and said nope you ain't leaving in one of our military planes?
Or when they removed a bomb, what was it suitcase nuke from Seattle same time frame!
Aloha Nana
I remember this now that my mind was re-freshed 😊
I remember Trump halting Pelosi from traveling with her family and all of the alcohol they had on the plane
That was a long while back
Good remembering 😊