At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
There are people, and we all know some, that, no matter what you say or do; you could coat your hands in a mixture of garlic and skunk scent oils, slap these people gently across the face, and they still refuse to wake up! All we can do at that point is to pray for them; God, You Know I have done what I could to wake them up, it is now in Your Hands, God, You Know what is best for them, I so pray they wake up, at some point, and I give it all to You, God, You Know best, and Thank You for your Blessings, Healings and Grace!
I can relate to this so well and have pretty much accepted my defeat. It's all in God's hands now.