Wretched hell hole. Even David Wilkerson who wrote the Cross and the Switchblade said that of ALL the places he traveled even the continents who OPENLY practiced witchcraft, this area was the most Spiritually oppressed of any he had been to. Not long after he was hit by a semi driving......timing was something else. Most UNSPIRITUAL folks I have ever met all say the same thing, "you can feel oppression lift off of you as you exit the area".

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
You’ve never been to Syracuse NY huh?
Most polluted lake in the world
Allied Chen now Honeywell dumped mercury into it for 50 + years
Albany akways makes me think of Albany ny where I went to college . Total corrupt city . That was back in 1994 when I graduated. Sure it’s gotten better . Albany GA sounds terrible too lol

This area is a crux in the trafficking circles and demons.....the triples.

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked

#FamilyIsEverything MAGA Proud Navy Dad They are all Fooked
some people we know have a daughter 25-26 years of age they went to pick her up from airport had to stop by a place in Los angeles for her to "sell her blood" this is what she does for extra money she told her parents. they are vaxxed and complete zombies do what she says and never ask questions ......... its so bizarre.