I agree with Joey.
I've always said Trump has to stay neutral and be totally out of the picture when things go down.
Two reasons I say this:
1. I believe we must come to a point where we think there's no hope left to really see the evil that's controlled us.
2. Trump doesn't want the glory or savior status.
All glory must go to God. God will bring this nation to it's knees and the people will have no choice but to turn to God.
When we turn to God as a nation, God will save His children and God gets the glory.
At that point God will rebuild what He destroyed in battle and He will work thru man to rebuild and heal us.
We need to prepare for anything.
🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾
Beautiful kind, loving, friends. Although it’s been rough we are IN this together. We are ONE collective & ONE body in CHRIST. I 💓 love each & every one of you, please take this day and enjoy your loved ones. Reflect on the good and what you’re grateful, thankful, and blessed for.
We absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.
Watch the WATER = Watch God. 🌟GOD IS LIGHT🌟 God is WATER. We need water to survive= we NEED GOD to survive. Nothing can break God. God is the LIVING WATER. God is ALL things, he is above, below, and all around.
The EVENT is coming and we are going to witness darkness to light. We are going to see light like we’ve never seen before. We will witness the true Sacred Twin Flames. Goddess Mary Magdalene & God Yehowah Christ. They tried every which way to erase MM and her importance of creation. The world has been unbalanced ever since. For those of you who have the book (pic) please read, 77-80. 🙏🏻
Hidden beneath the Vatican is over 50 miles of books. technology,, records of past civilization that has existed more than what fake history books are reporting…… Nor what the HEAVILY HEAVILY REDACTED BIBLE had revealed.
Imagine what cnn. The cia. And governments . Military intelligence hide these days ...
The Roman/Christian wars created the first banking Systems and military intelligence and massive human trafficking networks. They stole most of Europe and large parts of middle east gold, silver, arts resources and historical documents and hid them under the Vatican vault’s and caves… The Satanic power that infiltrated the Vatican and pedophile world networks is connected to KHAZARIAN powers, Mossad. Cia. Rockerfellers abd Rothschild’s who helped MOSSAD cia finance Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey EPSTEIN...
Read entire article in link 👇 https://forthepeople.space/?p=35161