Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
What do you think the breaking point will be when Americans rise up and say ENOUGH?
1. The illegals being activated to attack nation wide?
2. A Bank collapse
3. Nuke Scare event
4. Another bioweapon
5. Attacks disguised as weather events
OR will it take:
6. All of the above at once
What is the "Red Line" for most American's you think?
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Agree. Those I know still asleep are voting Biden, they don’t see it because their news isn’t telling them to do anything. News is still telling them Trump is guilty and going to prison. Orange man bad. My parents think we are at war because Trump was insurrectionist. I’m thinking the military with CNN and MSNBC telling them truths together at same time. So brainwashed. They think I’m mentally ill, domestic terrorist for supporting Trump.