Q)💧 The Storm Rider /Official Page, [5.12.2023 г. 4:22]💧
*Note_* When Donald J. Trump was elected and had his inauguration in Washington DC in 2017 his wife Melania Trump wore the SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) dress , ...> This dress color was very important and military COMMS ; This color was worn by JFK's wife Jackie Kennedy and the same color JFK JR wore after his father JFK assassinated. ... More over after JFK JR'S (supposed) death his family carried his ashes inside a SKY-BLUE ( Tiffany blue ) box and scattered his ashes over the oceans (* it should be noted that when JFK Jr body was found a quick 4 hour autopsy was done and his body was hidden and immediately he was cremated and within hours his funeral took place and his Ash's scattered......

This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command.
We here at the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention.
The Southern Television broadcast interruption was a broadcast signal intrusion that occurred on 26 November 1977 in parts of southern England in the United Kingdom.
Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius.