Who here hears the Word of G_D. Who feels it? Are you there or no? Do you feel the vibration or no? Every anon is important here. Vibecheck, Healthcheck, Watercheck, Lovecheck. All free.
Take care of yourselves, physically, MENTALLY and Spiritually. You are all more important than you know.
I am trying, but really struggling with health. It is where I live and there is no way out ....unless we have a miracle SOON.

Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
I am here, going downhill right now, pulling out all my bag of tricks to stay out of the Hospital nightmare, never been in my life till last April, literally a nightmare and glad to be alive. Hospitals are definitely death systems, they know just how to get you cornered into doing what they say instead of what you want or ask for. Horrible. Thank you for asking, much love and hope you are OK too.

I'll pray for you.
No way you should have to suffer more than you have. None of us.