A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Mic drop https://t.me/QDisclosure17/59018
Musk is right. There are so many layers to this. I still wonder about him though. He doesn't look quite right in the eyes. I don't know if that is good or bad. Maybe he is just pissed.
I do not usually publish profane video clips, but sometimes it is necessary to show the profane in order for you to see and hear the TRUTH with your own eyes and ears.
Musk 1.0 was a profane, evil, and arrogant narcissist. He was not a genius. CIA “constructs” rarely are even smart. They are essentially actors propped up by the Deep State to play a role.
Musk 2.0 and/or Musk 3.0 are showing you the type of man Musk 1.0 really was.
Do you see it now???
Do you hear it know???
Do you still view him as the man who will save mankind from itself???
Some man in the flesh already did that very thing. Only one man in the flesh could do so.
Jesus Christ.
Just my opinion on Musk.
NOT an opinion on Jesus Christ. He is the TRUTH.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸