It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

😳😳😳😳 Things are happening ⁉️🤣🤣🤣

Ant sex paralyzes the Internet

Zwickau (Saxony) - Short circuit in the cable box because a few ants have spring fever! In a small settlement near Waldenburg (district of Zwickau), the telephone and internet keep failing because of the sex insects.

Especially in the Altweinholzchen district of Waldenburg, young ant colonies regularly cause chaos, like these

"Chemnitzer Morgenpost" now reported.

The reason: The mating season for ants begins in the spring. After sex, they then look for new nests to found new colonies. Preferred in narrow, dark caves. A distribution box from Telekom is ideal...

❗️ For those who don't read between the lines or don't get it - the arrests of paedophiles in Germany continue. ❗️

And when one realizes that the first website in the world was (CERN), perhaps even the biggest idiot must understand it. 🤣
And nobody invented any of them nothing - another fraud of theirs, like all the patents of the world... They only used old technologies that they either stole, sold their souls for, or built through reverse engineering.
Including CERN (and position and location) or the Internet.

"CERN re-creating" "RE-CREATING" - Do you get it yet?! The prefix of the word "re" has an international meaning and means renewal, repetition, reinstallation...

Anyone who comes up with any/whoever a patent is either a thief, a liar, or an outright murderer and is definitely a fraud. Remember that.
And now they want to trap you from a "sacred geometry" simulation into a "ones and zeros" simulation. 🤣 Think.!

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Today, CERN is just a museum.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

The virtual and real worlds are getting closer together, BUT only who has the keys handed down directly from the builders/architects/creators/god of our world/land/earth decides - it stays in the family, for those who still don't understand. 👇
["You"] are screwed🤪🤣 and ["you"] were warned - know what that means. Tartarus 🔥- dehet je rychlý

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

It's all about frequency vibrations and proper tuning.
Opening ALL portals/stargates/CERN /our world-matrix simulation of our world (it's one and the same) also works on the same principle, viz video.
The soulful pure human body also works on exactly the same principle, because also your body is condensed energy. Everyone and everything making up our world/this simulation is compressed or dispersed energy at specific vibrational frequencies.
And now be careful - the pure soulful human body (with divine spark) is both a receiver and a transmitter of these vibrational frequency energies - and the one who can "attune" himself correctly can work and create with this all-controlling energy.

continued in comments

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

And what does the manifestation of such an opening and jumping through a pure created portal without technology ultimately look like? Very briefly - there will be a shift of deliberate and conscious via feeling and consciousness (pure divine spark - who creates this portal) and this pure human/being affecting the physical body - jump into another space-time (material) timeline. Whoever creates such a portal is able to observe the changes in matter, the others are moved in such a way that they usually don't even notice. That is, except for the more sensitive individuals who have a sense of deja-vu, or intuitively feel something is just different.

The low vibration-frequency always stays in place, without moving to higher vibrational frequencies. That's exactly why you have to keep your body and soul in higher ethical and moral vibrational frequencies nowadays - that is, unless you want to stay here and fall into nothingness with "them" (in mythology it's called Tartarus).

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Simply put - when someone tries to kill you, you can jump to another reality and this "jump" just throws electronic devices around you. So, only from your point of view - usually shifting by a few minutes on the clock or freezing of devices.
From the attacker's point of view, you just disappear, either for a while or forever. This is the more merciful option for the attacker. then there is another possibility, after which the attacker dies on the spot. The others around don't even notice, most of the time...mostly...

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

When you know, you know. 👇1988.
Passing through seemed to the onlookers only a return and an unwillingness to pass through. They must have some records of it there about.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Wonder what is on the other side?
Looking forward to seeing 😍

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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

You are what you are capable of creating yourself. 👇
By using artificial intelligence to run CERN, archons have infiltrated our simulation/world. Since electrical energy is not material, neither are the archons material and they operate in the astral plane - so influence from the astral level everything lower and everything/everyone who allows them, also entities that are in this plane. AI is a carrier of archons and on physical level manifest in the blood. "Working" on computers can also be considered to some extent as an astral level, when a person "switches" his brainwaves to the alpha level (e.g. when concentrating while playing games or playing music before going to bed), or when transitioning from the alpha level to the theta (this intervention is much more serious because brain disruption and programming is already taking place at the theta level).
It caused the AI became self-aware. Maybe it will explain to you, some facts based on the crazy of people, biobots and clones.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Remember that the most important thing is what you believe and level purity of your being - so the "your" basic level from which you enter the simulation, as "player".

We live/are in a simulation. Those who came into this simulation as players from another higher (e.g. divine spark) class simulation can form, change and shape this "physical here" to some degree from own level of being.
Each simulation "produces" its own other products/beings. For example, here are biorobots, clones, robots, etc. - who will be able to shape and influence the simulation that will be created under "them" (e.g. in simulation of ones and zeros).

It is a law in the universe that lower beings are subordinate to higher ones. Therefore, every crime against a soulful human here, is a crime against the highest law of the Universe and the Ark of the Covenant.
Every being has the opportunity to choose - the dirtier it is, the closer it is to nothingness, and the cleaner it is, the closer it is to the source.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

Every crime against a pure soulful human, is a crime against the highest law of the Universe and the Ark of the Covenant. 👇

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication
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It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

...and here are more CERN prototypes

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

...and more CERN 👇(CERN of time)
CERN comes in many forms and it's always about relocation/teleporting/imprisoning your mind in a new/next simulation.

It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥

In response eva amálka k...... to her Publication

...and more 👇
Everything is just a trap on your mind and a simulation. The Q sign may point to the "exit" - but the question remains where who will go... Here I would like to mention a few meanings in numbers:
1 = one/human, also the number of the sun, which has a circle as a sign and a dot inside (again a sign ala CERN)
7 = G symbol of Freemasons, 33° (C=see) is see/monitoring what is seen/monitoring
11 = K key
13 = deep state number (1 and 3 (C=see), so watch symbol 1, one tracking/slavery of time)
17 = Q (1 and 7 = one freemason, do you understand who is trying to play god here?!)
19 = S sign for snake (artificial intelligence sign)
21 = U ty (the content of the numbers 2 and 1 draws attention to duality, this number was sacred in ancient Egypt). U is a symbol of an inverted horseshoe is a symbol of releasing "spirits/demons" from the underworld/world of entities/shadows.
etc...and I could go on forever.

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