Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana will be very interested in seeing all the history from ancient books and scribes taken from under the Vatican.
I do have a hard time reconciling the God that I met when I left this Earth suit in my NDE yrs ago with some of what I read in the current Bible transcribed and compiled by no doubt in my mind bias humans.
Am I saying it is all wrong, no, but I do very much believe this history has been manipulated by these humans.
I hope we see it all eventually and real translations of the original texts without human bias and/or human purposeful manipulations.

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Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana has read and listened to many other NDEs as well.
I can only say about my own, and what I know to be true.
Everyone will have to make their own decisions about their own lives and beliefs.
IMHO, and from my actual experienced, when we leave these Earth suits there was no one else around just me and God.
And in the experience I have had with God both times, there was only love and goodness, nothing else.
That is really all I can speak to.
The second time was only a message, and the message was this,
"People need to listen because my Angels are already there".
I don't try to tell anyone what that means. Not up to me to interpret, just to pass along.

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I can certainly say Amen to your reply... in as much as you address your experiences - you go on stating you can only say about your own and what you know to be true
However in the same spirit you then make claims that Holy Scripture has been "complied by no doubt in your mind biased humans"
Just because you can not reconcile the Bible against your experiences does not mean the Bible is false anymore than Scripture means your experience is false either...
Maybe you are redeemed and therefore you experienced love... does not mean all souls will experience the same... nor does it mean Biblical Scripture is therefore in conflict by bias humans -

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
I have no doubt in my mind that the current Bible has been biased by humans.
I myself would not be able to take a foreign language or original text and translate every word with out some sort of bias as to meanings nor do I think any other human on the planet could do so either.
Not saying all of the Bible is wrong by any means, just that we have good proof that certain words and sentences have been omitted for instance.
We now suspect that there are up to 700 books and/or ancient scripts that could have been included, so that alone indicates a bias by humans as to what was included, imo.
Humans are flawed and imo, would be impossible for them to compile all of this exactly to what God would.
Others may well have different NDE experiences but as for me, I have to go with what I have actually seen and lived thr over what humans have compiled in a book.

I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
I would greatly CAUTION all who would over use personal experiences INCLUDING MY OWN to judge God's word.
Personal experience HAS GREAT LIMITATIONS and cannot be fully trusted unless proven true BY HIS WORD!
2 or 3 witnesses of scripture is the rule!
The Word of God cannot be compared in any way, shape or form to worldly experiences which are able to be manipulated by the Demonic realm AND OUR BIASES.
Realities can be deceptive outside of God's reality. I fully agree that MAN can and usually is wrong whenever dealing in spiritual things BUT remember ONLY God can actually direct his word by inspiration of his Spirit mistakes and misleading's can only come as a result of NOT BEING LEAD OF HIS SPIRIT!
YOU ARE RIGHT about SOME books like Enoch and other Historical books that were wrongly hidden from us. Some are simply nonsense and uninspired while these are not and should have been included, the goal was to keep us asleep and it worked until now!

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
I am not trying to mislead anyone. When you leave your Earth suit you will have your own PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with God and there will not be 2 or 3 other people there to verify it for you.
To try to say when I bled out and left this Earth suit and went to God that it was something that was manipulated by demons is well... you are welcome to your opinion but I think we are done here.
Nana will pray for you that you will learn to actually listen to God more than what humans tell you.