The question of truth has nothing to do with a gland. Last time I checked, Angels have no pineal glands, were made perfect and yet a third of the angels believed a lie and were thrown from heaven... no pineal gland, no poisoning and no fake news. Humans were deceived by the serpent who said "you shall become like God". The second oldest religion is humanism where man wants to be God! We want to be the measure of all things and we want to believe we control our fate. Pineal glands and "third eyes" are pseudo trascendent ideas posing as religious truth. Deception existed prior to flouride.

I am so glad this sort of "science", so called, is so well researched and shows without doubt that flouride calcifies the pineal gland ruining our oerception for truth. If only Keppler, Galileo, Plato, Whitehead, Hubble, Aquinas, and Augustine knew this! If the "third eye" is what provides us the power to detect truth and the use of flouride and other forms of physical harm causes this destruction, what was the cause for deception prior to the calcifying and poisoning of the pineal gland? I never hear anyone asking secondary and tertiary question to see if this even could be true!

Libs must have totally calcified pnieal glands!

The world is under MK Ultra Mind control #breakthespell
I never let my children have flouride treatments or let them use flouride toothpaste. We have well water. They are all highly intuitive and have always been able to see through BS easily which I attribute to the lack of flouride and a clean diet.

Happily married Mama of 2. Loyal to our President and a fighter for the children! Trump Won! God Won! #WWG1WGA #SAVEOURCHILDREN 🇺🇸💖🐸💫
I have started takeing Vitamin D3 with K2, Cod Liver Oil, Toothpaste without flouride and Alkaline water. How long does it take your gland to decalsify?


Remove the mask when you approach me//Truth will prevail//Community Standard repeat offender
It's no coincidence that they fluoridate the water in the guise of "protecting your teeth" and flouride is responsible for calcifying the pineal gland.
