107daily.com seems to be gone? Also, the third edition of his book? It always seems to be Real Soon Now.
Posted By: MrFusion
107daily.com goes to some apparently unrelated site now. Also, I can’t find anything about edition 3 of Kid by the Side of the Road, which may have been renamed The Storm. I actually ordered the 3rd edition, when it was offered in a combo with a set of drinking glasses in a wooden box. Not cheap. Haven’t heard a word about it. Fools and their money etc.

#FamilyIsEverything #Historybooks #Trump2020
Ordered also then Juan assured me about 2 months ago in person that it’s coming. There will be something extra for the delay.

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
TheJenniferMac.com is where you can find info on The Storm. Currently is says The Third Edition (“The Storm”) has not yet released.