9-6-23 🇺🇸 Juan O Savin

Harris is an anchor-baby & doesn’t qualify to be President.
Then there’s the stuff that gonna come out
about Newsom in CA
The Western U.S. led by CA is on the Front Lines
of what has to happen next with dealing with China.
Barely anybody out there even knows this
They have no comprehension
with what’s going to happen out there
over the next 6 or 8 months.
Big Mike [‘Michelle’ Obama] is a non-starter.
HeSheIt’s a baphomet transgender
a huge fraud was perpetrated on the American people
& they’re not going to be good with that.
Moving him into office will bring that to the forefront
& he won’t survive that kind of scrutiny 💥

Oh god here we go...Like a Rock! WTF? Another CIA Farm Raised Multi-Racial MK Ultra Mind Controlled Manchurian? Prolly!

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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In response JVBanon nonaBVJ to his Publication

It's soooooooooo outrageous
QTeam are getting punch-drunk silly
with their movie! 😹💥🤡🤣

Banned from Twitter on the same day as President Donald J. Trump...A Conspiracy Enthusiast...WWG1WGA Q 17 Trump 19 God bless America! NCSWIC

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I'm still waiting on the "gut punch" Nino and Juan keep implying is going to happen...It's a White Hat gut punch to the DS that once it happens will trigger a serious retaliation...They will be pissed and will bounce back off the ropes swinging! We shall see???

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