In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication
That's why they wanted to drug the ones that weren't falling under their spells.

In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication
Ironic, considering ADHD is most likely a byproduct/side effect of a decades long game on the population from the DS.

In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication
It’s true, that’s why they didn’t brainwash my 22 year old when she was there… another great thing…. she was also scared to death of needles her whole life, so hard no and passed on the vax right away.

13 Bloodline families DEAD. ALL OF THEM. To be blunt GAME OVER........ Bless you DJT you Fooking LEGEND.......
In response Oʼ Boy WTF to his Publication
Good call