Until the Twit Purge of '21 General Flynn was interested in the Messages I was putting out there, In THEIR words "The Time Is Now"
March 9, 2010👈
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most commonly applied pesticides in the world. ..atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface, and drinking water.👈
Perhaps the most dramatic finding here is that hermaphroditism observed at metamorphosis in animals exposed to atrazine can ultimately result in complete feminization. The complete feminization of males exposed to atrazine is consistent with two previous studies that showed that atrazine feminizes zebra fish and Xenopus laevis and a more recent study that showed that atrazine exposure feminizes leopard frogs, Rana pipiens . These previous reports based their findings on shifts in the sex ratio, however; our study showed that atrazine-induced females are indeed genetic males. Furthermore, we showed that feminization is persistent and complete, resulting in reproductively functional females capable of producing viable eggs.

Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Equal opportunity offender. I don't worship any party or person.
And it shows...

GOD FEARING, Thankful Old Carpenter, I stand for freedom our Republic. Took the oath to the Constitution, and will keep it! WWG1WGA!
Monster Lizard Person, Same M.O. Too Kill/ De Pop, As Many As Possible re - Sterilization X Y > = 0

Makes me wonder what this was put into because not all males develop this. What is different ??

I don't know.... Maybe different strengths in different products?