Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

How many more elections do we have to endure without ANY confidence that there has not been massive cheating?

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Likely until MAGA supporters rise up and do something besides cry about it online then go back to the system. Large protests in support of Palestine everywhere, yet after 3 stolen elections the MAGA crowd just wants to be entertained and buy more tickets to another rally. Freedom isn’t free….everyone watching the world go to hell and waiting for a Savior in 2025. Getting everything they deserve

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Chris David Bell to his Publication

I don't think waiting for a savior, just waiting for the right triggers.
No one person is going to save us and while most are pushing for Trump to help in a CIC postion, Patriots know what is going to have to happen at some point. And imho, we are very close to that point.

It will take something to the level of debit cards not working one day, power grid going down, or internet to get the required attention of the population to stand up.
I will take a nuke scare event to get the military to take control from CISA.

The majority of Americans to date are not suffering to the point of standing up, they are feeling a pinch and noticing things are wrong but still going on with their lives without much interruption.

“The Light Shines In The Darkness, And The Darkness Has Not Overcome It” - John 1:5

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Military is the only way…citizens would have never done anything. 2nd Amendment has proven useless, 75 million +++ and not one massive protest like we see for every other issue. Still paying taxes like good sheep, no clue how to organize. Can’t even get any group think here coming together to use our voices and get on the same page. In fairness, pretty tough to get AI characters to get in the streets and stand up to tyranny

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Chris David Bell to his Publication

Our militias were convinced early on to stand down by White hats to avoid civil war imo, and because we really never had a chance against things like DEWs, scalar tech, weather manipulation and who knows what other weapons we do not even yet know of.

They made the right choice for now. We would have been wiped out in mass off the bat then scattered into hiding and small strikes to be eventually wiped out.
No where to hide from this AI.
Small pockets of resistance would not have lasted long in an all out war on us.

While all our guns are a deterrent as massive as we have, it would have been no match.
They have been trying to get us to take to the streets this whole time hoping we kill off each other first then they call in UN troops to mop up the rest.

We started out in a no win position in a totally captured operation of superior weapons and supplies.
Now we have a chance for survival to fight another day.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

I agree, Nana. It irks me to sit still and to watch as other patriots sit still. An uprising, even a large uprising, wouldn't have worked and probably still wouldn't work. The apathy in the sheep is too deep. The cabal still has control of the courts and much of the police. Patriots would have been killed en mass while the populace did nothing.

After a failed uprising cabal then would have come for 2A. It is what they were counting on, I think.

Information is still the only moral path. Until a large enough portion of the people SEE what is happening; they would acquiesce to cabal martial law. Only after a tipping point is achieved will force be effective.

We may still lose. I haven't seen a single person awaken in over a year. Some are sensing that corruption is rampant but so long as they have jobs and entertainment, they won't feel the need to act.

Something big is coming. It might not be WH's winning.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Water Mark to his Publication

Nana firmly believes White Hats win. In my visions of the future we win.
When we have a nuke scare event and/or one of the others I mentioned no banks working or maybe power outages or all of the above at the same time, there will be so many panicked not yet awake people in the streets and violence and stealing by all these militants that have come across our border the military will have no choice but to step in is my opinion

PATRIOTS help fight fake news... PLEASE SEND & SHARE MEMEs HERE!!!

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Or of course there is always the chance that the Q Narrative is complete BS and Evil... and instead Biblical Scripture/Prophecy of The Book of Revelation, The Rise of Antichrist, 2/3 of humanity lost to war, famine, a global collapse of money, plagues etc., could indeed be 100% Correct ... but you do you, we do not need to agree and I don't wish to rain on anyone's parade... but please do consider (if you are right) then no harm of opposing voices to the Q PsyOp... but if you are WRONG... then Scripture is clear, those who do not convert and follow Christ will indeed be lost - If I tell someone Q is BS (no souls lost although I'm wrong) - but if you tell someone Q is True and the Bible Revelation is wrong (and you are in fact wrong) Then God Help those who followed this... Yes, this is hardcore, but then again SOULS MATTER especially when considering Eternity -

what has Q done or their followers that has been bad we only spread the truth and fight digitally so what is the harm only good comes from the truth I see no good coming from what you are saying WE ARE SAVING PEOPLE AND CHILDREN GET A GRIP

In response FIGHT FAKE NEWS to his Publication

Only people mentioned by @debbiedo in this post can reply

PATRIOTS help fight fake news... PLEASE SEND & SHARE MEMEs HERE!!!

In response deborah sidener to her Publication

Ok one more time... Anons are not bad and I never said they were... Anons do amazing good and Godly things... but that does not make Q true, nor does it mean that the Q Narrative of "Trust The Plan" can be remotely reconciled against Holy Scripture and the Book of Revelation on The End Times... and whenever this is questioned the best answer Q believers can spew is that the Bible is in error because it was altered by the Cabal... SORRY and I don't buy that one bit. At the time we all need to be returning and Trusting ONLY in Christ... instead a large portion still believe that Humanity's Salvation comes from White Hats... 😓

Christian! Believer of Jesus Christ! Wife, Mom, rancher, love our vets, our military, and conservative police officers! NO FLIRTING DM’s!

In response FIGHT FAKE NEWS to his Publication

I thought this was covered the other day but apparently not. Being saved by the white hats on earth is totally separate and different from the salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Once you are reborn, you have overcome death. While on earth, we trust in God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit within us and His instructions in the written Word. Our trust is in God first. Our hope is in God first. This doesn’t mean we don’t stand up for righteousness and justice while on earth. If you believe that Q is a psyop then that’s what you choose to believe. If someone else believes that Q is just laying out what has already occurred for us, in our favor, then that is their hope that they may witness justice served on the evil people. That doesn’t mean that people that believe in Q are not reborn and saved. If they place Q above God and idolize Q with all their heart and time, then that would be a transgression or sin, breaking the first commandment.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response FIGHT FAKE NEWS to his Publication

You say you have nothing against anons, yet what does your wording say --
'the best answer Q believers can SPEW", &
'opposing voices to the Q PSYOP".
Rational conversations cannot be had when one or both parties is in attack mode.
In any group of people, and especially on a social media platform, no two people are alike; many ideas and beliefs are present.
There are some here (not all) who say books have been left out of our Bibles; that is at least a possibility, as the Ethiopian Bible contains over 80 books as opposed to our 66 (interesting number).
Regarding Q, I was researching long before Q and have never read Q drops other than what I see posted here and there. PsyOp or not, one thing is absolutely certain -- it ignited the conversation and got people all over the world searching for truth, and digging up things that have been covered up.
Revelation = unveiling; revealing
Throughout the bible God worked through PEOPLE. Still does.

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