PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
I love the personal stories I get to hear from my husband...
He's flying with a co-pilot who is ex marine in for 12 yrs. My husband is ex Navy so lots to talk about.He gets to know them & can tell from a few thoughts/sentences where they stand. He worked on the scopes that the snipers used & has been deployed many times. Got out cuz the Marine Corp went woke. Married with I think 3 kids. His son was 18 months old when he got about 6 shots & is now autistic. Was told he has a genetic gene that won't ward off toxic metals. They home school, & wife is into a lot of the natural alternatives. The guy is aware of what is going on & sees what is happening. He's awake.
This is a heavy burden on anyone & my heart breaks for anyone having to deal with this crap. I don't' think they understood the vax threats when this happened. Now they do. I sent my husband links to Dirt Road discussion & the universal antidote on TG to give to him. Maybe something will help.
Bless him for his service.🙏 💖
Thank you for this story.multiple vaccines, a son on the spectrum and two who tell me they are homosexual.Heavy metals do something to a child’s brain.
PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
So sorry u have to deal with this. It's a heavy burden for many parents. I am hoping med beds are coming soon for ur children 🙏💖
I worked as RN yrs ago with EDTA chelation therapy as IV RN for autistic kids. Some parents swore by it. I wasn't there long enough to see results.
I want these bastards to pay for what they have done to us.