In my last post I mentioned how there have been no real advancements in decades/longer.
Society was much more advanced over a hundred years ago.
We still fly in 50+ year old airplanes
Does it really take that long to get to point A to B?
Why did they rid of the Concord?
Electric cars were around in the late 1800's ... so were cell phones... they charged them on the fire hydrants.
Medicine never advanced?
COMPUTERS...... thats about it ... but I question that too - since I feel like this entire existence of this Earth is nothing but a giant program.
Present day air travel remains because people can't think of doing it better. Paths to make stuff faster have been shut off by the education.
They really don't want you be opening windows too much during intercontinental flights. Concord flies higher, and has a sonic boom. Faster than sound flights would push for a need to remove the sonic boom.
I think they really wanted people to be jet-lagged so that they don't pay attention to other stuff. They also wanted less people in air planes because people started to pay attention to how the sun and the moon look like from 40 000 ft.
If gravity is an electromagnetic effect, we could have floating cars and wouldn't need roads.
All interesting ..... from what I inner-stand... everything is closer - but the flight patterns are made longer so the travel time is longer - If the cabin pressure was corrected there would be no JET LAG... I do believe they do this on purpose - the same when you enter an airport - there is a reason why most airport entry's are filled with LOOPED roads and you have to keep going round and round until you hit the departure entry.
The airports are interesting and I did a study on them years ago - there is something to the way they are set up along with subliminal advertisements and they probably pump something in the air or put extra SLEEPY stuff in the food. AIRPLANE FOOD has been known to be is there something more to it?
Windows of the plane are curved to make the illusion of a curved round plane... and isn't it something they used the name PLANE.... like in PLAIN SITE..or as in TERRA ...
Much of the stuff that goes on in the airport is obedience training in my view. No matter how stupid it is, you are supposed to follow stuff that is intended to "keep you safe". While diplomat cargo is not checked by default. Going for a ride on a Cessna from the same airport is an eye-opener, as much of the hassle gets bypassed.
From what I've seen, the food in the commercial flights contains a LOT of additives. The taste also changes at altitude, I haven't tried this out yet on mountains.
Airplane (probably) refers to early aircraft that were monoplanes, biplanes and triplanes, but who knows for sure?
I don't know if the routes have been extended, domestic flights here seem to follow pretty well the shortest bird's path between two destinations. Intercontinentals can be different.
Hiding the horizon line is likely the reason for the curved and bulged windows.
I don't usually fall asleep on anything that moves. 10 hour flights deplete my energy for a couple of days alone.
The whole process of travel is exhausting and I believe it was intended to be like that... I believe this world that we are in is much smaller - Its a small world after all... but extremely large on the outskirts of the ICE WALL. Traveling by car makes me wonder as well... I have noticed some strange patterns in highways and distances....
There is so much we dont know... LEY LINES factor in as well and exactly how the railroads were laid out.
TIME CHANGES were meant to mess with us - and that goes into a whole other mind blow of why the SUN RISES in different parts of the world at different time..... all intended to mess with the natural flow/electro magnetic (ism) in our bodies... the one hour time change reeks havoc on people... I have been up since 1:30 am this morning - and have to work a 11 hour day... have no idea how I am going to do this.
Good topic and so many interesting things to explore - thank you for your contributions .