All things JFK Jr. Am not him. ;) Also on TS. This page does not believe JFK is still alive. But Jr. might be. Time will tell. Enjoy!
"Sprinkled about the apartment's white walls in general was John's mask collection. He loved masks and had been collecting them since before I met in 1979. There scary ones and hairy ones, comical and mystical, from Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia. The implication, in a Psych 101 way, is that John was attracted to masks because he wore one himself for so long, figuratively speaking. It makes sense to me, although he would have been pissed-off at being so predictable."
-Robert T. Littell, "The Men We Became"
"Some of the trappings in the room were his--the masks he'd collected..."
-Christina Haag, "Come to the Edge"
(pic is not his collection)