So much for anything happening before Halloween.
Didn't think anything would. We're being played heavily. All the wishing, desires and wanting in the world won't change anything.
I know I'm not the only one who wonders if Q and 'the anon movement' is just another psy op to keep all the would-be rebels quiet, obedient and complacent.
Seriously. When has anything 'they' have ever said to watch for or will happen...happened? I'm thinking way back and I can't think of a single thing really.
We're being had. We're being fed hopium and being heavily drugged to keep the rebels quiet.
Think Red Dawn...if "they" could have drugged all those teen rebels by telling them to 'wait for Q' and "Q" never happened... End of story before it even begins.
We are being drugged on hope - and nothing is happening.