HOW Todays Jews are Not Heirs of King David

I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
Needed HISTORICAL context concerning why ISRAEL is last to be cleaned out! THIS FACT is ignored by the Church because their either to LAZY to dig for truth or their IN ON THE SCAM to start WARS and make money for satanic masters.
The STATE run Israel is NOT GOD'S PEOPLE actually God's people ARE WORLWIDE IN NATIONS WHICH THEY CALL HOME that is the LAND God put them and those Nations are theirs to BLESS and change so that the entire Earth worships the God and Father of the LORD Jesus not a sliver of land in the Middle east THAT LAND WILL BELONG to True Hebrews once this process is complete.
Islam will SOON completely FALL and become LANDS belonging to TRUE SPIRITUAL HEBREWS and TRUE HEBREWS RELATED TO DAVID! Esau's posterity must become Children of Abraham through rebirth and that means accepting Jesus and rejecting all false gods!
FACTS trump current beliefs concerning Israel!
The main reason the churches do not teach the Truth is that the Truth is not in them
The higher offices of established religious organizations are run by satanists masquerading as Christians
The Rockefeller family are satanists and probably Rev 2:9 Jews. Everyone knows they took over control of America's school curriculum but they ALSO took control over THE SEMINARIES.
This means that your very sweet, nice pastor with all good civic intentions has been brainwashed by the books, doctrine, and dogmas of the "elite" who ARE antichristian.
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I am an Ultra-Maga Air Force Veteran , 100% Trump Supporter. Been following Q from day one, never gave up, and never will! MARRIED!
VERY TRUE this is the Reason God the Father is in the process of cleaning out his body of these parasites' the worms that have been twisting his intentions into false doctrines that bring darkness into his Church.
Its not the CULTS and false Religions that have done this its the false Shepherds leading their flocks over the cliff's. WATCH many denominations completely fall in the coming days God is bringing a complete change in atmosphere in ALL CHURCHES WORLDWIDE the coming revival of lost TRUTH will blow our minds!
BUT WE MUST FIRST BE BROUGHT TO OUR KNEES for restoration to begin!
I'm even looking for REINSTATEMENT of some Lost books of the bible like 1Enoch and other HISTORICALLY CORRECT BOOKS! God is about restore EVERYTHING THE ENEMY HAS STOLEN!