Patriot. Retired nurse. Alternative Health Promoter. Substack Writer.
Ukraine murders Russian speaking citizens for 8 years & Ukraine bad, Putin good.
Israel murders Palestinians for 75 years, every year, year after year & Palestinians bad
Zionists slaughtered during Nakba. Removed 750,000 people from their homes so Jews could move in then they shot thousands .These people are not “chosen People” https://www.facebook.com/reel/1286250772074213
In our revolutionary war, we did not face near the level of terror from England as the people of Palestine have endured. Palestine has endured 1000x times what our ancestors did preceding our fight for freedom in the Revolutionary war. They cannot effectively fight back. Patrick Henry said... Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death. I think Palestinians are thinking the same.
Until we deal with this Israel will continue it's genocide. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/911-a-zionist-affair
Trump says "I just want the killing to stop"
Israel Bombs Church https://www.facebook.com/reel/867394497912816
Human Shield argument https://www.facebook.com/reel/215080078135853
Jewish people have protested and are currently protesting in droves against Israel.. Israel and Netyanhu favors the Talmud.. not the Torah... Talmud dictates slaughter... Jews against zionisim
Counting the Kids: https://www.facebook.com/malea.estos/posts/pfbid02VG3uLNGkKw5aaAPbrtq2v1SWuFHp8Np3Vdi8BJvXDwgJFqZtVz6Ym5vVWp38xFTel?notif_id=1698513073625363¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif