With all the strangeness surrounding Matthew Perry’s death:
That Bourdain Tweeted the FRIENDS cast
would chant “Hail Satan”;
That Perry had a man-crush on Obama
& Obama was best friends with George Clooney
& both were pedophiles;
That Aniston [male] played “Rachel” on FRIENDS
& Perry played “Chandler”
that relates to actress Rachel Handler & Q3136
“Chandler = CHILD HANDLER these people are sick!”
& Rachel Chandler was
the handler of children for Jeffrey Epstein;
setting all that evil aside —

If you EVER doubted that QTeam MIL
has Looking Glass & can SEE into the future
& is DECADES ahead of us in tech
& is using Tesla/JG Trump Time Travel machines
under Cheyenne Mt & CERN
then check this out 👇

🙀 Q posted Matthew Perry’s daily mail DEATH HEADLINE
in 2018 💥

🇺🇸 EbenFelis
Look up Q 💧2590
& click the 1st link

Yeah, Q posted this back in 2018‼️

Then check out Q 💧 54

EVERYTHING is Already Holo-Fractally Encoded within the Akashic/Biological/Psycho-Spiritual Fields of our Personal & Planetary Hearts is Potentially Accessible to us to the degree that we are able to Surrender our Attachment to our Egos & Enter the Silence of the Quantum Heart of Source; BUT, since most of us have not even begun to Learn How to do this, Q has used "Artificial Intelligence in Service to the Absolute Intelligence of Source to Enhance this Potential and has Created Timelines based upon Probabilities Derived from our Individual Choices.

Q Anon is a "Beta"-Test--a Way for A. I. to Measure and Monitor our Personal/Collective Responses to the Information Presented in the Q Clock, Q-Posts & the Q Map of the Great Awakening.

By Remaining Spiritually Grounded in the Universal Spirit as "I.T." Simultaneously Expresses through our Individual Hearts, Anons have Provided Q with a Continuously Evolving Measure of the Great Awakening in REAL TIME


In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @QuantumChristian2022 in this post can reply

In response Craig Robert Steele to his Publication

I love how you reason things out, Craig,
& am with you 💯.

Anons are spearheading & ARE
The Great Awakening
working with everything
[Q]uantum Cosmic Divine 🙏🏻🕊❤️😹🇺🇸🪖💧💧💧

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I AM QuantumChristian2022 After All

Keeping Time to with the Music of the Spheres

Mayan Calendar 2024-2022 2012-2011 (1) 2011-2012-2022-2024

The Quantum Singularity/Great Awakening

Universal-Personal and Planetary Christ Consciousness

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