With all the strangeness surrounding Matthew Perry’s death:
That Bourdain Tweeted the FRIENDS cast
would chant “Hail Satan”;
That Perry had a man-crush on Obama
& Obama was best friends with George Clooney
& both were pedophiles;
That Aniston [male] played “Rachel” on FRIENDS
& Perry played “Chandler”
that relates to actress Rachel Handler & Q3136
“Chandler = CHILD HANDLER these people are sick!”
& Rachel Chandler was
the handler of children for Jeffrey Epstein;
setting all that evil aside —

If you EVER doubted that QTeam MIL
has Looking Glass & can SEE into the future
& is DECADES ahead of us in tech
& is using Tesla/JG Trump Time Travel machines
under Cheyenne Mt & CERN
then check this out 👇

🙀 Q posted Matthew Perry’s daily mail DEATH HEADLINE
in 2018 💥

🇺🇸 EbenFelis
Look up Q 💧2590
& click the 1st link

Yeah, Q posted this back in 2018‼️

Then check out Q 💧 54

Only people mentioned by @Auntie_M in this post can reply

In response Auntie_M 369 to her Publication

🙀 Here’s the visual for my post, Auntie_M

WEIRD doesn’t BEGIN to describe
the evil satanic child sex trafficking connections
of this horrific vomitus Pedowood crowd

Perry’s man-crush on Obama;
Obama & Clooney on a boat in Venice
w/Clooney being serviced by a child sex slave;
Aniston’s ‘pizza party’ @ Clooney’s Italian villa;
Aniston’s male anatomy
‘Rachel’/Aniston + ‘Chandler’/Perry
= Rachel Handler
the handler of trafficked children
seen on Epstein’s plane with Clinton;
& Bourdain’s Tweet 💥



“One cannot love without suffering, or suffer without loving.” Saint Gianna Molla

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

They are all so evil! It's unreal that we used to watch that "hail satan" show on the tell a lie vision. Damn, if i could only go back and change it all!

I still believe in the goodness and generosity of the American people. I love my country and will always STAND for GOD, Family and Freedom.

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

FB is really threatened by your graphics, lol. I was just due to get off a 29 day punishment for posting the one with Soetoro and the Asian girl who was trafficked. They told me with that one I posted nudity. Now I am in trouble for posting this one and got another 29 day sentence where I can't communicate with my groups. I think I am going to have to refrain from sharing your great memes there. To think the same people are pushing porno on Children yet they punish me for posting someone in a bikini bathing suit.

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