I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775
Ariel@Prolotario1 from twit
SO Israel is also a corporation and has a 75 year LAND lease on that land that expires oct 31 2023. that's why they want a war.
Keep your eyes& ears open.
Status Of The Republic: Liberation & Justice When you are in bankruptcy as a corporate entity you do not have any contract rights. • Buckingham Palace • The Vatican • Washington DC • City of London • State of Israel All these corporate bodies filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The Act of England 1871 was repealed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer active. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). The IEEPA gives the President the power to impose economic sanctions on foreign countries and individuals in response to a national emergency. EO (13818) EO (13848) EO (13959) These executive orders allowed the US to seize the assets of corporate entities and persons. For human rights abuse and election interference.
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775
+2 Stocks Shares Trade Bank Account Business Home Investment Company Etc. All assets. Did you know Evergreen Inc. is a CIA owned company? Who uses that for human trafficking? Hillary Clinton. Guess what is contracted with Evergreen? ■ The Vatican ■ The US ■ City Of Rome ■ UN Corp ■ The Holy See ■ UK Inc (This Is Key) All subcontracted. Each step of subcontracting process, the accountability of each subcontractor diminishes relative to the actual contract. And what have you got? You have Evergreen Inc. owned and operated by Evergreen, LLC, which is owned and operated by Evergreen, PLC. 4500 employees, no obligation to file flight plans (Hint-Hint) and you have a totally unaccountable self-interested for profit corporation abusing the powers of "government". All of this as a result of the EOs are null/void. -Do you remember when Jan Halper confirmed that tons of gold were removed from the Vatican? -Do you remember when the 1871 Corp Act was dissolved on May 4 2020? -+++
++3 Do you remember then months after that the New Republic with the original Constitution was invoked on July 4, 2020 when D. Trump visited Mount Rushmore? -Do you remember the Balfour Declaration? Palestine was under UK rule on 2 November 1917 when foreign minister Arthur Balfour wrote to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community. Palestinians made up 90 per cent of the population in 1917. They blame the declaration for encouraging Zionists and ultimately handing their land to the Jewish homeland - the future lsrael- by 1947. Remember the state of Israel was created by Khazarians. As result of the EOs they Israel became bankrupt. And what happens as a result? War. Which is going on between Israel & Palestine correct? For what? Land acquisition. Why? Because the Khazarians were kicked out of Ukraine by V. Putin. The assets of ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenk were frozen. ++
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775
++4 It cut off a lifeline of drug, arms and human trafficking money essential to the survival of the Washington. Do you see how this connects to the current conflict? The Khazarian Mafia Money Laundering base is in Ukraine. The last country that they the Khazarian Mafia has is Israel. Remember who established Israel? The Rothschilds. Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking control of the FED. This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides. Political, Media, Military, Sports, etc. Since the USA was always the Rothschild’s strongest territory – to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly elected president. They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this.Remember the Q-Drop "All Assets Deployed" ++
I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775
++5 D. Trump is the only world leader who has defeated the Rothshilds by hijacking their central bank in the USA. This happened quietly during March 2020, and without any media coverage, because the media is owned by the same Rothschild banking empire. The Fed-Reserve is now under the US Treasury. Which is why the printing press no longer pump out endless fiat USD. Which was used to suppress the Middle East through the petro dollar. Iraq by January 1st 2024 will no longer use the USD in everyday commerce unless you are a traveler who needs it for international flights. I told you all the 1st domino has not fallen yet publicly.A month ago Mike Johnson (Now Soth) stated that Article 1 Sec 2 of the US Constitution that the sole power of Impeachment belongs to the Republican House Of Representatives. And Article 2 SEC. 4 states "The President Shall Be Removed From Office.On impeachment for and conviction of the following Treason Bribery Money Laundering Misdemeanor Or other high crimes.+