Waking up people with one bread crumb at a time. And having compassion for those who can't SEE yet, BC everyone learns at different paces!
My story:
I came down with the yuk
I took this and put a few drops on a Q Tip
And put it into my nose.
💥 boom stopped it dead in its tracks amazing
About 4 hours later my nose started running again I did it again it stopped
All my symptoms were gone in about 2 days
I also gave myself the
Raw honey
I was waiting to actually feel bad to try Iver and it worked 🙌
Oregano caplets in any medicine cabinet for the win! Also ginger and lemon is a go to in the am in hot water first thing or also put in regular water and drink throughout the day. I juice ginger and lemon and freeze in ice cube trays. Always on hand that way when needed.
At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
Very cool! Thank you, shall try it! Blessings to you!