At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!
Replying to@austerewyatt1
3) Tamerlan Tsarnaev complained of voices in his head telling him to do bad things just before the boston bombing.
Paddock said that the government could hack into his head and control him.
Esteban Santiago-Ruiz complained of voices in his head and claimed the CIA was forcing him to watch ISIS videos before he killed a bunch of people at an airport.
Government's MK Ultra "Voice To Skull/Voice of God" technology is real and was heard about since at least 1974
This was nearly 50 years ago.
Imagine what we have now.
And to think… it was shown in the 1984 movie ‘Real Genius’. 🤔or was that 1985?