Oh phooey! I received 8 followers in one day so I thought that something weird was going on and I posted about it.
Now I realize I blocked a new Anon and have just discovered that the poor kid was in tears!
I feel so horrible.
If anyone knows how to unblock someone please let me know.
PS Since then, I've figured out that I can go to a profile of a new follower and look at "Likes" and "shares" to see if the new follower has a history.
That helps a lot to know if the person is real or not.
well, anyway, good luck to all.

Thanks for replying, and yes, I could do that, -
If I still had their pages, I could do so.
I just feel awful about this!

Oh, duh. Lol. My bad, i haven't tried to unblock anybody yet

It's just that - as a group - we want to see our numbers grow, so having new people get involved is great.
But there does seem to be some bad in with the good.
At least one who followed me was real and I can't get her back.
I hope she stays with AU, regardless of my bad!