I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775

Ariel@Prolotario1 x twit
Why Michael Flynn Was Pardoned:

When Donald J. Trump announced
he was running against Hillary
Clinton, the CIA was forced to
throw together a plan to stop
Trump, because Trump was going
to expose and eliminate the
world's largest human trafficking
operation run by the CIA etc.

Move General Flynn into place
with Donald Trump by presenting
Flynn as Lie " thev gav Flynn
as the Deep State's worst
enemy because, they say,
"knows where the bodies are
buried". Flynn ended up as a
National Security Advisor for Trump.

Show Mike Flynn was involved
with Russia. Then, create a 'crime'
committed by Mike Flynn involving
"Russia". The crime was lying to
the FBI. Flynn's meeting with the FBI was staged and planned as part of the operation.

When Mike Flynn was federally
charged over "Russia", the media
had a field day connect ing it to
Trump. Headline after headline
after headline was about Trump
and Russia because of Flynn.
That was the FBI-CIA plan.

1/3 ++i #M

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775

In response Yankee Doodle to her Publication

President Trump finally had to pardon Flynn because the case would never end and the propaganda media kept pumping out one story after another that kept Trump connected to Russia and dirty deals he had nothing to do with. Thus, the CIA media had created a legend and 'hero' by the name of General Michael Flynn.
And...it 'appeared' Trump supported
Flynn because of the pardon
Flynn and the CIA had fooled the
American people.

Flynn and the CIA could now control the child sex trafficking and human harvesting story and water it down. But the Deep State had a problem. The problem was attorney Lin Wood. Who was actually fighting for the tortured, raped, and cannibalizing kids. Lin Wood had to be stopped.

So here is what the Deep State did. M. Flynn & Sidney Powell used to infiltrate Lin Wood were Wood belived Flynn & Powell were trying to fix the 2020 election fraud Wood allowed Flynn & Powell into his home where they set up a command post. They were wolves in sheep's clothing.

I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yankee Doodle Doo or Die, wwg1wga, Back the Blue, Patriot, Lexington Concord 1775

In response Yankee Doodle to her Publication

+3Flynn & Powell were secretly planning to tank the election cases and drag the process out. The cases should have been filed by "We The People". Powell tanked it and gave the Court a back door based upon 'standing. Powell also put Wood's name on documents without his permission. Wood found himself all tangled up in a CIA black оp.

Now you understand they are not to be trusted. Why are we being advised that Fox News and Hannity (And T. Carlson) are the bad guys? Because they were supposedly running an international trafficking operation that Lin Wood found about.

All you have to do is Dissect The Fox News Nambla story and you will watch the Deep State International Trafficking Operation collapse right in front of you.

It was all a Cover -Up.

Guys, ask yourself why would anybody of his status meet with McCabe without a lawyer?

++ #MAGA

++4Because they were creating a storyline to gain sympathy from Patriots who would believe that Flynn was a good guy because he was being attacked by the FBI. This worked like a charm.

Some people have asked. Does accepting a presidential or gubernatorial pardon imply an admission of guilt? The answer turns out to be complex. 1. In 1915, the Supreme Court indeed said, of pardons, that “acceptance” carries “a confession of” guilt. So there you go.

By William Anderson

Flynn was appointed by Obama, Head of letter agency. lifetime Democrat. lifetime military industry. Boardmember of Israel spyware company. He brought the Russian hoax debacle. His expertise is psy-ops. He lead patriots on a goose chase, grifting donations. I spoke about his grifting the other day. Does this all make more sense to you now?

#MAGA #HUMAN trafficking

In response Yankee Doodle to her Publication

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In response Yankee Doodle to her Publication

Mind blowing information. Who are the good guys?

I was here early in 2021, then got "spooked". I am back because I want to live. I read a lot. I observe. I listen. I have faith in us.

In response Patriot Lady to his Publication

My guess would be people we never heard of.

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