Does anyone have a good solution to address under active thyroid?
A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!
Thanks everyone for you suggestions and input. I will research these further and hopefully find something that will work.
I take kelp. You can get in vitamins section at most pharmacies. Morning and then again not too late in the day. When I was pregnant my numbers were lower and they wanted me to go on the drug. I think you are then dependant on the drug for life. I told the veteran nurse no, I will double my kelp, since I am eating for two, you can test me again next month. Next month back for my tests, levels were fine. Nurse said whatever you are doing, keep doing it. Thyroid needs iodine, should be common sense for a nurse but she was baffled. I also purged fluoride and heavy metals (with cilantro & chlorella) before I was able to become pregnant. I think that is very important for thyroid health as well.
I recently watched a summit on thyroid and adrenals, which are intimately connected, along with the liver and one's gut health. (The entire endocrine system really.) We need them all to be working correctly and healthy to get any real lasting results.
So much information. Your best bet is to find either a Functional doctor, a Naturopathic doctor, or even better, one that is integrative.
Your thyroid needs selenium, iodine, zinc, tyrosine, but you also need to attend to adrenals, liver, and gut health to have an impact. Adrenals need a healthy dose of Vitamin C. Liver needs to work well as that is where the T4 is converted to the T3 that the thyroid needs. It's a complicated process that involves more than just the thyroid.
.OH. And something VERY Important I learned a only couple months ago: DO NOT EAT ANYTHING WITH GLUTEN in it. Evidently the thyroid sees gluten as another substance that it needs to attack which inflames it.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Armor Thyroid is most natural so they say
It has both T3 and T4
Sea Kelp is supposed to be good ,and walking in the ocean 20 mins daily.
Support your thyroid with Iodrol Iodine from radiation.
Drs will not give you the T3
i was told it was because it makes the patient feel better 😍
Dr only wants to give T4 Drs have been tricked
They paid a lot of money to college
to keep people sick.
Find a Bio-energy dr. They will help you big time
Trumplican, #WWG1WGA, #InItTogether THE STORM IS HERE! For our children, vets and Patriots worldwide🇺🇸🐸🤙
Liquid iodine