DOQ on X speaking on the topic of Gen. Flynn, What are your thoughts on this topic?
I know there's a handful of die hard Flynn supporters here but the way I see it, if I had to come face to face with the idea that JJ may not be as good as I originally thought he was. They can at least play with the idea they were fooled by Flynn too.
I remember back when all this started with Flynn. Sydney was defending him. He lost his house or mortgaged his home to pay attorney? fees. SOOO many American's sent him money. I remember reading he received more than he lost.
This was before speaking engagements and books.
HE was Donald Trump national security advisor. Is that keeping enemies close and calling him out?
I remember him sitting in the white house and a storm was brewing in the sky that you could see through the back ground.
He actually stated "a storm is coming" or something very similar to that. Twitter anon's were stating that he announced the storm that day.
What about Lin Wood. I saw them hug one another at a local SC event and both defended one another.
What about the Reawakening Tour. With Thrive Time. That is who he tours with, right?
I heard him speak in DC (no one, no tour ever comes to NC but Trump and Trump comes ALL the time. On public itinerary and off public itinerary.)
Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
Lin Wood and others called out Flynn.
We are now finding out those who are double and triple agents.
We know Sidney's Kraken was a triple meaning (or maybe more)
I give no one money ever again: not GOP or especially Pay-Triots that are shilling seniors