There was no such land called Israel before 1948 ‼️The Israel of the bible was not a place or a land. Israel or the more correct Hebrew spelling Yis-ra-el is a nation of the descendants of Jacob ( Hebrews spelt it Yacob ) from the lineage of Issac Abraham David etc etc. The 12 tribes of Yis-ra-el are the Israelites in the bibles. Not the Israeli occupants of Gaza, they are the Kasars who came from Kasaria, ( modern day Ukraine area), These Kasars mainly Caucasians from the Caucasoid mountains, later adopted the religeon of judaism and started calling themselves Jews.
Where as the original biblical juws were called ju's because they were from the Tribe of Judah !!
There are a bunch of maps from the region at the time, regions seem to always be changing. There is a very interesting ones with holy sites or places identified. It does not photograph well because the spine of the book will crack if it opens too far.