They did the smoking cessation campaign in the 1980s full monty because they already had the covid virus planned back then. If you smoke you're either immune or you don't get as sick. The virus binds to the nicotene receptors, per a fellow patriot on AU, and Dr. Brian Ardiss says exactly that.
This is a bigger lesson now.
First, don't ever trust the government or hospitals or doctors to actually care about your well-being.
Second, now you have to research and asess everything you do and wonder why you do or don't do it. Were you brainwashed?
Third, when people who smoke got/get sick, was it really the cigarrettes killing them?
Correllation does not always equal causation; many people have developed lung cancer who didn't even smoke. Actor Christopher Reeve's wife is one of them.
Just because you might have a relative who smoked and then gets cancer, doesn't mean the smoking caused it.
So what did?
Their vaccines?
I have been listening to Dr. Ardis as well. My husband died from COPD after smoking for years. My grandfather smoked unfiltered cigarettes and lived into his 80's with great lungs. The snake venom theory is quite interesting (Dr. Ardis).
i'm sorry about your husband.
my grandma smoked unfiltered, lived to 87