⛔️“Alzheimer’s is a physician CAUSED disease!!!
It didn’t even occur in people over 40 years ago!!! And now it’s the#4 killer of people in the USA over age 65!!
What is Alzheimer’s disease? Well, it’s the disappearing of your brain’s insulation, the Myelin!! What is Myelin made out off? It’s made from CHOLESTEROL!!!
”If you go on a low Cholesterol diet or cholesterol medication, it’s the fastest way to Alzheimer’s disease”
Yep, this is what happened to my father-n-law. They put him on the lowering cholesterol drug and after that he started loosing his memory. He has mild Alzheimer's. What gets me is how these doctors say it is hereditary, runs in families. His mother had it too. Well, that's because she was put on cholesterol drugs too.
It's the Pharmaceutical companies that need to take the blame.