Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Please pray with us tonight at 8:09pm central & then help manifest a wonderful future for our children & generations to come.
We are going to manifest an end to satan's hell matrix and turn this planet into a Divine God Matrix.
God is with us, we have to see it as if it has already happened. See you best life, see our best lives together living in peace.
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
God, I come before you with a humble and contrite heart. Although our world is filled with people who do not agree on what is right, please show us the importance of uniting. Allow humans to put aside their differences and come together as you would have us do. Please bring peace, bring prosperity and love to all. Please send an angel of protection over all people so that we do not have to witness needless death.
Help us to be of service to others and give from the heart.
In your name we pray...
God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
🙏🏼 Amen
Have thought a lot about why Israel was saved for last. The reason that makes the most sense to me personally is that Israel has always been such an explosive and divisive topic/situation. Before enough people had awakened, introducing the truth would have fallen on mostly deaf ears, people with hearts already firmly decided and inflexible minds that floated along with the chosen narrative, without the strength or discernment to question and say no.
Now we have an ark of types filled with people who think for themselves, who love God, who choose love over hate and who refuse to let puppet masters pull their strings any longer and divide them. One nation indivisible kind of vibes.
If you were heading into the END game, about to face the final boss of the battle, you'd want the good forces behind you as strong, grounded and awake as possible. White hats must have been waiting for some tipping point where good guys were gauging just how many dots of light worldwide they could count on to remain unified against the true evil in this world.
When we refuse to get pulled back and forth by narrative flux, and instead are confident of our standing and direction and own red lines then it makes us bulletproof to their lies and propaganda.
Looking back now, I can see strategically how other timelines which may have lead with Israel would have failed. In my mind at least this is what makes sense.
God help us to all remain strong and courageous in the coming days and weeks. ✨🙏🏼✨
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I agree with you and your sentiment here.
We have become conditioned (in a good way) to be able to know what we feel and think for ourselves without the manipulation of religion, politics, the media.
The hub of all the chaos has come from Israel and it is more clear to us today.
I will also say that there may still be issues we have not yet been exposed to or that a light has not shined on yet, that will surface as Israel is released from bondage by the cabal.
Faith in God over faith in man.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Israel has super deep underground tunnels
I heard they are rank with smell and packed with draco of all kinds. 👋
just sharing🤗