I am a Patriot who loves God, Country and Family and I will stand against any who would pose a threat to any of them.
I am very much pro POTUS 45 and I believe in what he and millions of other patriots are trying to accomplish. With that said, I am at a total loss to understand why he encourages people to take the Vaccine. He doesn't believe it should be mandatory, which is good but why, knowing what we do, would he encourage us to take it at all. Seems a contradiction to me.
First, I support Trump 💯 and believe he is the only man that can turn this around. While this has been hard for me at time, I think about the vicious attacks when he recommended HCQ and Azithromycin. Not only was he attacked, they blocked these medications and doctors were punished for prescribing. I took these meds, with Ivermectin, twice. Have many loved ones that took the Deepstate Depopulation Death jab. Each of whom are suffering some new health problem (all different - weird) they never had before. I believe it targets a weakness. 😢
The other thing that gets to me is J6; the prosecution and persecution of our patriot brothers and sisters. Sometimes I think they were lead like lambs to slaughter. My heart breaks for each individual, along with their loved ones. Always in my prayers. 🙏