read this if you want to know the history of palestine...very interesting..
no excuse.!!!..but no wonder the Muslims want the Jewish people out of there and hate them.

Digital warrior. Dark->Light #GodWins #SaveTheChildren #TheGreatAwakening W҉W҉G҉1҉W҉G҉A҉ #17! #MAGA NowC@mesTHEP@in—-23!!!
There is an argument that these issues go back to Noahs's sons. In Genesis 9:24-27. Ham was cursed and this curse fell to his son Canaan (Canaanites).
In Genesis 21 with the birth of Isaac, Abraham sends Ishmael away.
Presumably because of the curse on Ham and Canaan, both Isaac and Jacob go back to close family members to find wives to avoid taking wives from the Canaanites and Hittites (Genesis 10 Canaan was the father of the Hittites)
Later in Genesis 25 Esau gives his birthright to Jacob. In Genesis 27 Jacob tricks Isaac to give Esau's blessing to him.
I wonder if the term anti-semite comes from Genesis 10? The semites refers to the sons of Shem. Abraham was 10 generations descended from Shem.
The covenant was established with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The Khazars enter the picture where the nation converted to Judiasm by religion, in the 8th century. The Khazars seem to have been in part of what is present day Ukraine.

dont understand why god allowed abraham to have a child with a muslim....he had to have known this would happen....the muslims fighting the christians for one.
and then hating people of jewish faith...
im not picking sides here...just stating what i see over the years.
was it to teach tolerance??
boy we all missed the mark on that one...
This is a little confusing because Islam wasn't formed as a religion until around 610 AD.
Abraham lived well before that ( 18th century BCE).