Dad to 4, 1 in Heaven, Baylor Grad, Messianic * Pilot #JesusIsTheSonOfGod * #LifeBeginsAtConception #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #StandAgainstEvil
Failure by our government SERVANTS to:
protect our borders,
and / or
#invasion by enemies - including#IllegalAliens
& / or
SERVANTS who give#AidAndComfort to our enemies - including#IllegalAliens
GUILTY of#Treason
I am watching governor of Texas bus immigrants to blue states why doesn't he deport thnm fooking clown our government
My thoughts, while trying to understand:
These laws are being broken or being allowed to be broken in order to wake people up, to get the sleepers or diehard democrat people to wake up so they will accept it when the military arrests the government officials who are treasonous lawbreakers.
Supposedly this is to avoid a civil war, where the damages would likely be much worse than the damage we are suffering presently.
Another reason is that the white hats may still have DUMBS to clear. We all agree that Saving the Children has been a first priority.
In the meantime, we get to see crazier and crazier "movie" scenes.
I don't understand 5-D Chess and other games - They are all far beyond me, however, my choice is either to trust that we will be okay or even much better off, or I can believe we are all going down. Either way, I absolutely know we are in God's hands.