That gives it away, they make their own enemy. Why? Well they have to keep the sympathy alive for Israel, and get funding. #falseflags
The#BalfourDeclaration was put in place Israel over WW1 & WW2.
#AlbertPike in 1871 laid out the plan for 3 world wars, this is the third one in the most underhand way.
1871 also happens to be the year the Act of England was made, when they British royals took back control of the US. #CityofLondon has ruled us all, but it's not part of the UK! #Rothschilds infiltration of#Rpyals & #vatican#Freemasons #illuminati #khazarianmafia
These wars were to kill young fit men to keep opposing numbers down, and to make money funding both sides. #HangThemAll
The original video is working on archive, others have been removed.