⚠️ APPEAL TO the “so-called” Elite.⚠️
You have been warned.
Let me make this very, VERY clear to you.
No, I won't bow down.
No, I will not submit to your dark, upside-down, patented GMO transhumanist agenda.
Never. It doesn't matter how much ridiculous propaganda and fear you spread throughout your brainwashing institutions.
I see right through it all. Right through YOU. It's not even difficult. You become more and more pathetic and desperate.
I let you know that I will stand and FIGHT. I will resist. I will NEVER submit.
I will stand on my own two feet as an eternally sovereign, FREE soul. You will NEVER take this away from me.
And I want you to also know that there are millions of souls EXACTLY like me on this earth right now.
We are not only resistance. We are what comes next. A new, free world.
And you can't stop us or what's inevitable.
Signed - Ancient Warriors of Light. 💖

Proud military wife, mom and grand mother. Family first always, unapologetic patriot. DJT is my only POTUS GAB social: Gigi1217