HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN in Windham, New Hampshire, 300 Votes!

part 5 of many
Esau gained control iin a greater way in 1917
when Jacob, the union jack gave the balfour declaration and the in 1948 declared himself to be Jacob by taking israels name
thus paying back his brother with an eye for an eye.
yes esau declares himself to be israel.
now back to America where jacob and esau dwell together
we see the reds have been using their DOMINION
but now they have been cought in what has been cause to be disinherited.
esaus time of DOMINION is over.
we the people are the rightful owners of this RE-public
the RE is the KING of Kings

part 4 of many
esau the REd hated Jacob and
had been seeking to kill him.
he was really after the blessing and realized that Jacot had to be removed for him to take Jacobs place.
impeech impeech they say.
Isaac spoke of a future time when Esau (the reds) would be given the DOMINION then Esau would break the yoke from his own neck
and basically for a time have DOMINION over Jacob until he proved himself to be an unworthy son ,then and only then could he according to the LAW be disinherited.
it had to be lawful it had to be this way

part 2 of many.
the DOMINION mandate belonged to esau being the first born
however the law demanded that a disobidient inheritor
would lose the inheritance once he proved himself unworthy
to receive such a blessing.
jacob first deceived his brother into selling him the birthright then he tricked his father into giving him the birthright before esau coul prove himself to be an unworthy son.
when esau realized he had been tricked he begged his
father for a blessing

part 1 of many
Q said over and over
its going to be biblical.
let us the explore this biblical connection.
stay with me patriots we will embark on a new rabbitt hole ,
promise you lots of light at the other end .
you see this is just a tunnel to give us safe passage to the other side.
in the old testament when isaac was trasferring the DOMINION
mandate to the rightful inheritor he was deceived by his younger son jacob into giving him the blessing prematurily.
as a matter of course the blessing belonged to esau yet God
had devinely ordained that the elder will serve the yonger.

part 3 of many.
Isaac said to esau ;
and by your sword you shall live,
and shalt serve your brother;
and it shall come to pass when thou shall have the DOMINION,
you shall break his yoke from your neck.
And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him:
and Esau said in his heart,the days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will i slay my brother Jacob.
so here we are Anons stay with me the best is yet to come.
esau means RED as in CCP as in Rothschild as in communist.
the reds in this country have come to light in 2020 .

how bout mine in Riverside county California?

Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.

people already know. when will something be done? ive lost any and all hope.

yeah we know all this fraud is there, question is when are people foing to start getying arrested snd bidrn removed. info is great its overwhelming fraud cheating happened question iis dors military or anybody in our govt have the balls to start arresting people in congress.

I am simply trying to Live life to the fullest and have no regrets The past is past, the present is now. The Future is what will be ‼.AMEN.
I believe this happened in all 50 STATES.