I was like WHERE is AU>

I admit I was closing screens and restarting devices!! I was like this is it!! Then Steph..someone posted trump mentioned the Movie Silence of the Lambs. I need to verify he said that. But I’m thinking…is that a reference to frazzeldrip?? Ed Gein was in the news recently, he cut human faces off and wore them. You are one of first on here I saw, so there you go…. What do you think?? You’re the perfect one to ask!!!
he did---the guy ATE people---he said Anthony was quite the actor....then Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested for having people in his freezer. Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, was an American serial killer and sex offender who killed and dismembered seventeen males between 1978 and 1991.[4] Many of his later murders involved necrophilia,[5] cannibalism, and the permanent preservation of body parts—typically all or part of the skeleton.[6]

Heard that one was a triple, likely not a shocker at this point.