Theoretically, deep state-Chinese spy-Senator Feinstein
had been on We The People’s payroll for 54-years
since her first Govt job in 1969.
Making her [reported] $160++ million portfolio impressive
given that she was theoretically paid in thousands of $s annually:
San Francisco House $21 million
Aspen House $25 million
Marin County House $7.5 million
Hawaii duplex $7.5 million
Gulfstream G65 $61 million
Good news for We The People is
Feinstein was a Traitor & a satanist child trafficker
& thanks to President Trump’s 2-Ex Orders:
Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a US Election
Blocking the Property of Persons Involved
In Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
Much of Feinstein’s wealth will be seized by QTeam
& reappropriated to We The People from whom it was stolen 💥

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
I can feel our bank account growing.😊
$160 million
We know she was demonic
To have had that much money, and watch the streets fill with homeless people. SICK demon
Good Luck!
😻 Exactly, arba!
We The People's bank account is
exploding with stolen demon gold, diamonds,
real estate—EVERYTHING 💥
🦅🇺🇸 President Trump said so the other day in CA
"We have a gigantic SURPLU$