Patriot Nurse: "There is No Peaceful Way Out!"

Only the blind say that.

Don't let the blind lead you.

Forgiveness breaks the cycle. Prove Me Wrong. 🙏❤🤗

In response liberty mountain to his Publication

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In response Lauren M Bradley to her Publication

Unfortunately Lauren, the evil that we face have their eyes wide open and they would rather see Over 90% of us(Men, Woman, Children) PERISH and CONTROL the remaining humanity with their 15 minute city world police state. No need to "prove" you wrong, all you need to do is look at Maui and the devastation the Cabal unleashed. Forgiveness is nothing without wisdom. Do you really believe those who prey upon our children by abusing them, torturing them and producing Adrenalchrome from them really care about forgiveness? They don't give a shit up until the point that we hang them by their neck....then they care about their next breath. This doesn't mean unity doesn't exit. It simply means that in the plane of duality, the plane of demonstration, there are those entities that choose evil deeds because they want to - even knowing they are messing with divinity.